Glendora Duane’s two-tone P-51!

Yep, it’s our latest custom, and it’s awesome!   Wow, the factory has sure been creating some magnificent custom bikes in the last couple of months!   I can barely keep up with the flow of custom California Scooters, and Glendora Duane’s P-51 is yet another example.    Take a look at Lupe putting the final touches on Duane’s magnificent ride…

You know, that turquoise and white combination really works.  I believe it’s been around since 1954 when Chevy offered it on the ’55 Chevy (if you know different, please let me know).   It just screams class, and I love it.  

I just happened to be in the plant when the production folks were finishing Duane’s new motorcycle, and I was there when Steve, Lupe, and Andy rolled Duane’s bike off the fabrication stand.  (That’s Andy’s hands way off on the left side of the photo…Andy kind of got cut off in that photo…sorry about that, Andy.)   So, back to the bike…take a look at its wheels hitting the ground for the first time…awesome stuff, folks!

By the way, our fabrication stands (the yellow fixtures in the photos above) are based on the original fixtures used by the Mustang factory back in the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s.    Jim Cavanaugh (a great friend, one of our company’s advisors, and the Production Superintendent at the original Mustang Motor Products Corporation) helped design these fixtures.   It’s a good example of the staying power of a great design! 

Here’s a final photo of Glendora Duane’s nearly complete P-51…

Duane’s bike is just flat beautiful, and you can bet you’ll be seeing more of it here on the CSC blog.   Glendora is the next town over from our factory, and I’m looking forward to riding with Duane (along with Twin Peaks Steve, my good buddy Bruce, Bobber Bill, Nevada Howard, and all of our other CSC riding buddies) on the next company ride.   Speaking of which, keep March in mind, folks…it’s going to be our biggest ride yet, complete with a barbeque, RV camping, and more!  

We hope to see you there!


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GoPro 1.0

So here’s that first GoPro video, boys and girls…

Cecil B. DeMille I’m not, and the mounting system was pretty shakey, but I think the GoPro video quality is great.  

The helmet mount I’ve used before works much better (it’s what most folks use), so I think I’m going to use the windproof camera cover, put the mount on my helmet, and get out for the next ride!   I guess my old noggin makes a good vibration damper.   Who’d have thought?

This is fun!

Stay tuned!


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I just shot my first motorcycle video with my new GoPro Hero camera, and my initial impressions are mixed.   To cut to the chase, I think I like my Midland XTC-300 video cam better.  It sure is a lot easier to operate than the GoPro.  

I know you guys want to see the video, but it takes a awhile to upload this stuff.   Two hours, actually, to upload a 6-minute video to YouTube.  That’s not the camera’s fault…that’s just the way it is.   And I’m running off on a couple of cool errands this morning (including a stop at the scooter factory), so it will be much later today that the first video will be up. 

Some first impressions:

  • The wind noise cancellation feature is not as good as I hoped it would be.   It’s a little bit better than the Midland, but it’s still there.   GoPro has another camera back that cuts down on the noise a lot more, but it cuts down on everything (including the engine noise).   I’ll put that camera back on for the next video.
  • The operation is not as easy as the Midland.   More on this later.
  • Downloading the video from the camera to the computer was not intuitive.    More on this later, too.
  • The video quality is outstanding.  It might be better than the Midland, but for YouTube uploads it really doesn’t make much difference.  What you see on the Internet is not what the camera actually produces.

That’s it for now, folks.   Keep an eye on the blog; I’m shooting more video this weekend.


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McQueen motorcycle on the block…

It’s beautiful, and there’s no telling just how high this one will go.   The bike is a 1938 Harley WLD Solo Sport (looks like it’s a 45-cubic inch flathead), and it’s not too far away from where I’m sitting as I type this blog entry (it’s going to be sold at a Mecum auction in Anaheim, California).    According to the article I read a short while ago, the bike has the original factory paint, the odometer says it only has 21,000 miles, and it most recently sold at McQueen’s 1984 estate sale.    Wowee!


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A special day…

Today is Veteran’s Day.   

I don’t have any shiny thing words, photos, or cool videos to show you today.   My thoughts for the blog today are simple:   Think of and thank the folks who have made our way of life possible.  

It’s hard to keep sight, sometimes, of what our veterans have done for us.  The news media pushes its agenda, our elected representatives spend most of their time pandering for votes and campaign contributions, special interest groups flat out lie to gain meaningless advantage, and politicians posture and release sound bites.   Through it all, one group steadfastly risks it all to preserve our way of life:   Our nation’s military.

My thanks to all who have served and to all who are serving.


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Arcadia Cushman’s new bike…

We just built this motorcycle for the good folks at Arcadia Cushman in Indiana, and it’s a beauty!  Check out the billet wheels, the engine guards, and that awesome 250cc P-51 power plant!

There’s tons of chrome on this classic black Classic, and it’s a honey.   These bikes just look great, and there’s something special about a tuxedo black motorcycle with lots of the shiny stuff.   I really like it…and the CSC Classic is, well, a classic!

Steve at Arcadia Cushman bought this motorcycle to sell it in his dealership, so if you’re in the Midwest and you want a great bike from a great organization, give Arcadia Cushman a call at 317 984 2874!


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I mentioned that I’d post a photo of some of my friends a blog or three down, and here it is…

That’s TK, Steve, and Lupe in the background, and of course, yours truly behind the camera.  

I’ve done a bunch of these reflection shots, and I think they’re pretty cool.   The airbox covers on a California Scooter make for a pretty good mirror, and you can get good shots if you play around a bit.   I may have a few more on the hard drive here…let me see what I can find…

Okay, here we go. 

Here’s a recent photo from our day at the VW drags…the mirror here is a VW hubcap…

Susie and I spent a weekend in San Diego a month or two ago.   Here’s a photo showing us in front of an art shop…

Here’s another VW hubcap shot…I took this photo in front of the CSC plant.

Here’s one from the 2004 Hansen Dam classic bike meet…it’s my buddy Marty and me.   I was mostly using film back in those days, and I probably had my old Nikon N-70.  

This is another Hansen Dam photo…this time from the 2006 BSA meet…

You gotta love those old BSAs and their big chrome tank panels!

This next one is from Hansen Dam in 2008…I can’t remember what this bike was, except that it was almost certainly British.   The Brits loved chrome on their motorcycles…

Wow, I guess I had more of these reflection shots than I realized.   Okay, I know, but bear with me…there’s just a few more.

Take a look at this one….I took advantage of a Harley Knucklehead chrome air cleaner cover at the 2002 Long Beach motorcycle show…

I grabbed the Knucklehead shot above (please note that “Knucklehead” refers to the Harley engine, not the photographer) with a Sony Mavica digital camera.  It was one of the first digital cameras and it did a nice job.

This one is cool…it’s an “in the grill” shot with Steve at the SEMA 2010 show…

And here’s one last one I grabbed in front of “the Bean” on Chicago’s Michigan Avenue last December.   The Bean is a cool (and huge) polished sculpture.  It makes for an interesting photograph.  

We’re in the lower left corner and that’s the Chicago skyline behind us…

I’ve got a few more, but you get the idea.   My apologies if this blog seems ego-centric (it’s not all about me, I know), but I really like these reflection shots.  It’s a cool technique.   And there’s the obvious reason I’m in the photos…I’m the guy behind the camera.

Looks like it’s a nice day today, and we bought a new GoPro Hero video cam yesterday (it was an impulse purchase…they were on sale at Costco).   If I don’t get to it today, I’ll set it up in the next day or so and grab some CSC “on the road” video with it.   My new GoPro has the wind-noise cancellation feature, and I’m eager to see how that works out.

Ride safe, my friends!


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Our latest show stopper…the Green Meanie!

When I rolled into the plant on my motorcycle yesterday, Lupe was putting the finishing touches on this Florida-bound beauty… 

Folks, the photos just don’t do justice to this latest tractor-themed California Scooter P-51 custom motorcycle.   It’s beautiful, and there are lots of subtle touches that make it so.   Let’s take a look at these in detail…

The colors are the best place to start describing this custom motorcycle.   The tractor green frame, tank, fenders, and fork lowers…the billet aluminum…the yellow wheels…the yellow seat…the yellow pin striping.  It all works.   Like I said…this beauty is a show stopper.

Here’s a view from the starboard side.   Hey, a play on words…the custom painting on this beauty was artfully applied by our good buddy Doug at Starside Designs…on both the port and starboard sides…

The seat completes the bike.   We had a standard black seat on the bike for our road test, but this bike’s new owner specified a custom seat in matching yellow.   It works!

I like it!

Here’s another profile view, showcasing the powerful P-51 engine OHC engine…and folks, that counter-balanced overhead cam powerplant really puts out the ponies.   These things are fast!

Did you check out the detailed matching green paint on the kickstand, the forward controls, and the chainguard?   It’s the little details like these that really make a custom motorcycle stand out.  

Here’s another nice touch…our Pro-One custom billet mirrors!  


Yellow wheels complete the look of this bike…these are our stock CSC wheels with paint matching the bike’s pin striping.    I like the look.  

You know, painting the wheels to match different parts of a bike is a nice touch.   Sometimes we’ve gone the other way, too, like when we prepped a silver bike, and the silver tank and fenders were painted to match the wheels and the engine.  

These bikes are palettes…there’s a lot you can do to create an exclusive look.


 And here are two last photos, showing the P-51 Green Meanie from both sides… 

I sure like this bike, and I’m still having the same problem I’ve had for the last 4 years…every time a new custom rolls out of the plant, I’m convinced it’s the most beautiful bike we’ve ever done!  

That’s exactly how I feel about the Green Meanie tractor bike…I really think it’s a show stopper.

The mean streets of Florida will never be the same!


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A cool custom tank…

Folks, this is a very mild custom touch…it’s our standard blue tank with a hand-painted Mustang logo…and it really works!

I just happened to spot this in the plant yesterday.  It’s cool.   I want one!


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Such a deal!

It sure is, folks…this 250cc P-51 Greaser is a demo bike Steve built up for use around the factory, and he’s  blowing it out at a price that I can only describe as awesome…

The Greaser is one of our most popular bikes…and this one only has 100 miles on it!

So, the answer to your question is this:  The Boss is knocking $500 off of MSRP!   I know, you can’t make money by giving stuff away!   I think the price is too low…but hey, I only work here…and what the Boss says goes.      If you want this puppy, you better act fast!


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