Just a few more photos…

Like the title says, just a few more Long Beach International Motorcycle Show photos and then it’s back to CSC stuff, shooting, riding, Baja, the TT Special, and our normal blog programming…

Oh, where to start….how about this great photo of our good buddy and motojournalist Carla King on the CSC TT Special…


And yet another good buddy…Rob Dabney of ADVPulse magazine…


ADVPulse was one of the very first magazines to pick up the CSC RX3 story, and Rob Dabney helped to put us on the map.   Rob’s a good friend.

In many ways, these events are almost like class reunions.  I was very happy to see our good buddy Greg.   Greg took delivery on one of the very first RX3s to arrive in the US, and he rode with us on the Inaugural Baja Run…


Here’s another cool photo…a custom Suzuki with colors and a fairing that really work for me.   Solid colors are in.   I think this would work well on the RX3…


Speaking of custom colors, digital camo made an appearance on the Kawi KLR 650.   You folks know I have a KLR 650.  It’s a good bike.  In my opinion, it’s not quite as good as an RX3, but I’ve owned my KLR for 10 years now.  I hardly ever ride it, mostly because I greatly prefer the handling and crispness of the RX3.  Anyway, to get back to the story, we considered a digital camo paint option for the RX3 and decided to take a pass.   I think that was a smart thing.  Seeing it on a KLR kind of confirmed that.   It’s interesting, but the concept just doesn’t make it for me…


The CSC RC3 drew a crowd at the International Motorcycle Show, as well it should.   This particular motorcycle is the very first one to arrive in North America.   It literally came off the boat just a short while back…and we brought it with us to Long Beach…


Zongshen is finalizing the production configuration (this one is a preproduction prototype), and as soon as we have more details, we’ll publish them.   Keep an eye on our blog, my friends.  You’ll read it first right here.

Back to this color business…there were lots of interesting colors, both for standard production bikes and for customs.   Here are just a couple of custom paint jobs that got my attention…




Here’s a stock Ducati Monster in a flat satin white.   It’s another color combo that works…


I mentioned the Ducati models earlier.   Indian.  Ducati.   The other exhibitors’ models.  So many beautiful women; just me and my Nikon.  I have a tough job.  Somebody has to do it, though…






I know, I know…enough of the beautiful women already.  You want to see some of the other cool stuff at the IMS show.  Okay.   Helmets.   Helmets are cool.   And there were some cool designs that made for good photo ops…





And folks, that’s about it for the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show.   It’s back to business for me.  I’ll be posting more about Baja, the RC3, the TT Special, our upcoming rides, the RX3 police bikes, and more.   Keep an eye on the blog.   There’s lots of good stuff coming your way.

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More Long Beach photos…

If you enjoyed the photos this morning, you’ll like these, too!

Here’s an original Indian logo…


…and here are a couple of the modern Indians…



Check out this custom paint on a Yamaha Bolt fuel tank, with a selfie lurking in there somewhere…


At the last few IMS shows, the real competition seems to be between Indian and Ducati.  That’s not competition between the motorcycles (they sell into different segments of the motorcycle market).   No, my friends, the real competition is the models…as in the ladies manning their booths.  The question is which company has the most beautiful women.  It’s a tough call.

These young ladies were in the Indian booth.  I have some photos of the Ducati models, too.  They’ll be in a later blog.


This is an Indian poster…these folks sure seem to have their marketing crisply defined.


I had an interesting conversation with one of the journalists at the Long Beach show.  He told me he felt Indian was way ahead of their competition in how they go to market.   We’re not Indian’s competition, so his comments were not made to compare Indian with us.  He was describing the US cruiser market.

This same journalist went on to tell me that no one is doing the kind of marketing we do.   He told me that CSC is the most exciting thing to come down the pike in the motorcycle world in years (and unlike nearly all of the other journalists we work with, he wasn’t angling for a free bike).   This thing about our marketing approach (and how refreshing and exciting it all is) was fun to listen to, but it wasn’t news to us.   We’ve been hearing the same thing from you for the last year.   There are folks who think we are marketing geniuses.  We’re not.  We just have a great bike and Steve’s direction is to treat the customer right.  That’s it.  Everything else falls into place centered on those two things:  A good product, and being square with the customer.    Oh, and we like to ride, too.   That helps.

Here’s a photo of Steve explaining one of the Special Edition RX3 models.  Everybody was taking pictures of the CSC motorcycles.   Our booth was packed.   Interest was very high and every one had nice things to say.   We heard many folks tell us that they follow us on the Internet.   We heard a lot of compliments.


This fellow had socks that matched the RX3.   You get a feeling talking to people about who’s going to follow up with an order.   You’ll see more pictures of this gentleman on an RX3…mark my words.


This is my good buddy Bill, who’s with Butler Maps.   I’ll be posting more in the near future about Butler Maps.  I never knew how good they are.   Bill educated me.   They really are the best, and I’m a hard sell.   As I said, more to follow (there will be lots more on this).   I spent an hour with Bill, and I’m a believer.   Watch our blog for more on this, folks.  My conversation with Bill is going to result in a CSC offroad ride lasting several days, and you’re going to be invited.   It’s really cool stuff.


This is a shot of Ryan explaining the RX3’s features…the guy is a natural educator and a sales wizard.  He’s really good at this.


I had a chance to see Triumph’s new 1200cc Thruxton.   This is a stunning motorcycle.


You folks who read the blog know that if there’s any motorcycle that even begins to approach my strong feelings for the CSC RX3, it’s the Triumph Bonneville.   When I was a teenager, the ultimate ultimate was the 650 Triumph Bonneville, and yeah, I meant to say the ultimate ultimate (I did not type it twice accidentally).

Back in my teenage days, the Triumph Bonneville (at 650cc) was considered a huge motorcycle.   Today it’s been bloated up to 1200cc.   But they still are cool (hell, I’ve gained a few pounds over the last 40 years, too).   And, as you might imagine, the price has gone up a bit over the last four decades.   When I was a teenager, a new Bonneville was $1,295.  The new Thruxtons will retail for $14,500 when they hit the market in March of next year (probably around the time we’ll be riding through Baja, and yes, I’ll be posting more about that soon, too).

Triumph did a cool thing (a cool thing in the vernacular sense, not in the engineering sense) with the new Bonneville’s catalytic converter.   What appears to be a very cool set of downswept exhaust headers (just like they used to have back in the 1960s) are actually fake pipes for a portion of the exhaust pipes’ run.   The real pipes turn inward under the engine to dump into a catalytic converter.   You can see it in this photo, which I grabbed when nobody was looking…


It’s an interesting approach.   Catalytic converters run very hot (well over a thousand degrees), so I would think the approach could present problems if you were to stop the bike over weeds or leaves.  I wonder how much of that heat is going into the engine.   But the bike definitely looks cool, and knowing Triumph, I’m sure the engineering is sound.   If I was in the market for a big bike that will probably bump up against $17K out the door, this one would be at the top of my list.

I better move on to more of our Long Beach photos.   I don’t want to buy this new Triumph.  I need to keep telling myself that.

Here’s another bike originally made in England…the Royal Enfield.   This marque morphed into a new company (with the same name) and Royal Enfields are now made in India.   The Triumph Bonneville you see above is made in Thailand.  Ah, the British motorcycle industry.  It’s nearly gone, except for the three-cylinder Triumphs (they are still made in England, at least for the time being).   Even the venerable Norton brand is going to be made in….well, that’s a story for another time.   I can’t tell you where the new Nortons will be built just yet…but I can tell you it ain’t jolly olde England.


But back to the Royal Enfield…that red café racer above sure looks good.   If I wanted a motorcycle collection, one of these would be in my garage, too.   Just to look at.   But there are already two motorcycles out there, and my wife tells me that’s as big as the collection is going to get.  I guess that means the KLR will go on the block once the TT Special is approved by CARB, because I am definitely going to get one of those.  Black, with white letters.

You know, we took one TT Special with us to the Long Beach show, and it got a lot of attention.  A whole lot.  It surprised us.  Our TT Specials are going to sell well.   Real well.   And I guess I can share with you that we are talking about an introductory “Don’t Miss The Boat” offer on those when we start taking orders, just like we did on the RX3.  Don’t call us about this yet, because we haven’t firmed up the price and we’re not taking orders for a few more weeks.  But when we do, you can bet the TT Specials are going to go fast (in more ways than one).


One more photo, folks, and it’s of a custom Indian show bike styled like a flat tracker from the 1930s.   It’s only a show bike (you couldn’t run this on the street), but it sure looks good.


That’s it for now.   More photos will follow…maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

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The Long Beach International Motorcycle Show

Just a few photos, folks, from the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show, in no particular order.   I walked around a bit with the Nikon, saw quite a few friends, made a few new friends, and saw the latest and the greatest.  Interesting stuff, to be sure.   We had a great booth and we saw a lot of people.   Most folks said they had been following us online, every one loved the bikes (the RX3 and our new RC3 and TT Special motorcycles), and I sure had a good time.   Okay, I know….enough talk…let’s get on to the photos…

A KTM…not my cup of tea, but a good photo subject.


A Ducati Scrambler.   Nice bikes.  Big bucks.


A Yamaha flat tracker.   The colors work.  I like it.


The vintage motorcycle display.  There weren’t as many bikes this year in this display as there were last year.   The Beemer was cool.  So was the 450 Honda (in red, no less…you almost never see them in that color….come to think of it, you almost never see a 450 Honda in any color).  And that’s a 305cc Super Hawk in the background.  My Dad rode one just like it.


One of the models in the Indian booth.   Indian and Ducati bring in drop-dead gorgeous models every year (the ladies, and maybe the bikes, too).    More photos coming up, folks…


A custom Indian in the Geico area…


There was a tattoo booth at the show.   Nice sign.


Another custom Indian…


The Russ Brown ladies…I’ve talked to Russ Brown a couple of times and I think he is a square shooter…


Yours truly with Glenn Heggstad.   His book, Two Wheels Through Terror, is one of the best.  It talks about his travels through South America, including his being kidnapped by terrorists in Colombia.  That’s where I’m riding next month.


I was surprised to see that Lifan had an exhibit at the Long Beach show.  Lifan is one of the three largest motorcycle manufacturers in China (Zongshen and Loncin are the other two).   All three companies are in Chongqing.   These are a couple of Lifan’s models…interesting, but they are certainly not in the same league as the Zongs we bring to North America.


A CB-360 Honda from the 1970s…


Folks, that’s it for this morning.  Susie has a few things lined up for me today.    I have a lot more Long Beach photos, and I’ll post a few more this evening.

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Black Friday Sale!

It’s all on our website, folks!  Check us out at www.CSCMotorcycles.com!


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This is cool stuff…

A note to our LEO buddies…when you stop by to see us at the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show, make sure you ask us about these…





These photos are our first RX3-P bikes.   You’re seeing them in one of the factory buildings on the Zongshen manufacturing campus in Chongqing, and they are shipping to us in the next few days.

Exciting times, my friends.

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A Super Subie…

I stopped by my Subie dealer today to get the oil changed in my Cross Trek and I spotted a Limited Edition STI…it sure was sharp!


Solid colors are in this year, I guess.   I really like Nevada Mike’s Porsche green RX3, and the Subie you see here is similarly coated in a solid blue.   It works for me.

A few more photos…this is Subie’s STI model.  It’s a real hot rod, and I guess they don’t want kids coming in spinning the tires on this one…



That dealer is really proud of this car.   Check this out…

IMG_0342-650A $10,000 dealer markup!   It made my day…it was good for a laugh.   You sure won’t see any of that at CSC.

Keep an eye on the blog, folks.    I’ll be sending lots of photos back from the Long Beach IMS show.  Both yours truly and the Nikon will be working overtime!

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Nevada Mike’s new bike!


Our good buddy Nevada Mike ordered his new RX3 in a custom Porsche green paint with 19-inch front wheel, knobby tires, spotlights, the aluminum skid plate, and many other tasteful touches.   The bike is stunning.   The solid colors really work on an RX3 (we do more than a few with custom paint).   It’s stunning.


I like this bike.  A lot.

You might even say I’m green with envy…

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Long Beach this weekend!


Folks, we’re really looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend at the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show!   We’re in Booth 1565, so do stop by to see the RX3, the TT Special, and the RC3!  I’ll be there on Friday and Saturday if you’d like to pick up a signed copy of 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM.

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I do this all the time…

My good buddy Tom sent this one to me, and it’s impressive…

I do those kinds of stunts all the time. They usually aren’t intentional, though, and they frequently end differently…

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We have a winner!

We had about 50 entries in our most recent caption contest, and the winner is our good buddy Arizona George.   Many of the captions were just outstanding, but we liked the one sent in by George the best.   Here it is:


I didn’t realize who George was initially, as he did not include his last name.  Then I learned it was none other than Arizona George, who accompanied us on parts of the Western America Adventure Ride!  That’s just outstanding!

George, as soon as you email your address to me, your autographed copy of 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM will be on its way!

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